Glengariffe Hse (4)


Whilst working on historic and old buildings we often come across situations requiring structural repair. This can be in form of in-situ repairs or total replacement of structural elements. Whether it be simple crack stitching repairs through to complicated replacement of structural elements (stone/brick/steel) Oldstone has the skills and experience to provide cost effective solutions.

Crack repairs
Crack stitching
Crack injections
Wall tie replacement
Repair of brick arch lintels
Creation of masonry arch beams
Replacement of structural heads (stone/brick/steel)

Oldstone Conservation is an approved installer of the Helifix System. This repair system is based on the installation of high grade stainless steel bars and grouts that can provide fast and cost effective solutions to a wide range of common structural faults. Of interest are its non intrusve and non disruptive qualities that are particulary suitable for protected and historic structures. As an approved installer our staff have been fully trained and accredited to act as surveyors and installers. Helifix

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